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Elephant Long Trunk
With white skin body.
This elephant long trunk is looking like sick.
I see every elephant have long trunk, but there are some elephants that have loger trunk like those pictures above. I have notion that the elephant longer trunk is because of decline or descent of its family, or may be becuse of there is some difference with the elephant.
New York Elephant Show
New York-Elephant-Show
New York Elephant Show.
New York Elephant Show.
New York Elephant Show
Thailand Elephant
Thailand Elephant This Elephant Rather Red.
Thailand Elephant in Cortege Event There are two Man that is Fighting Up the Elephant Thai.
Thailand Elephant
Elephant Heart
Elephant Heart Love.
The Real Elephant Heart.
Elephant Heart
Every animal have heart like Elephant. So if you don't want to be heart please don't heart Elephant.
Asian Elephant
Asian Elephant.
Asian Elephant Eating Grass.
Asian Elephant Wlking With it's Son.
Asian Elephant
Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, is smaller than African Elephant. It has smaller ears, and typically, only the males have large external tusks.
In this world population of Asian elephants—also called Indian elephants—is estimated to be around 60,000, about a tenth of the number of African elephants. More precisely, it is estimated that there are between 38,000 and 53,000 wild elephants and between 14,500 and 15,300 domesticated elephants in Asia, with perhaps another 1,000 scattered around zoos in the rest of the world. The Asian elephants' decline has possibly been more gradual than the African and caused primarily by poaching and habitat destruction by human encroachment. Let us Save Our Asian Elephant and STOP to all of Murder and Hunter Elephant. Let us protect all of Elephant in this World.