Minggu, 26 September 2010

Elephant Latent Teeth

Elephant Latent Teeth

Elephant-Latent-Teeth Visibling inside the mouth.

Elephant-Latent-Teeth In Sighting in the right and left elephant.

Elephant-Latent-Teeth Discernibling when this elephant open it's mouth or when it eats.

The teeth of elephant is inside its mouth and seldom to be seen by us because they are seldom too to open their mouth. But when they opened their mouth so you can see the elephant teeth that is latent.

Elephant Conservation

Elephant Conservation

Elephant-Conservation In the Zoo.

Elephant-Conservation Elephant Photography Conservation.

Elephant-Conservation Life and happy with its brother.

Elephant Conservation can be put in the zoo or in the large island like Africa, Thailand, Bangkok or other place but this island or place must be protect from worse people that want to kill elephant untuk we can take elephant care and far from extinct.

Elephant Strong Tusk

Elephant Strong Tusk

Elephant-Strong-Tusk Left elephant strong tusk-big and frighten because of sharp and pointed.

Elephant-Strong-Tusk Iron elephant strong tusk for table props.

Elephant-Strong-Tusk Both of elephant tusks are big and strong.

Elephant male often fight with other male to show it's strength and power and to defend it's community or family with strong tusk. But now, many people hunt the elephant tusk to be sold, I dislike their behavior, because they heart elephant even they will kill elephant just for the tusk. So let's defend all of elephant from the elegal hunter in this world.

Elephant Long Trunk

Elephant Long Trunk

Elephant-Long-Trunk With white skin body.

Elephant-Long-Trunk This elephant long trunk is looking like sick.

I see every elephant have long trunk, but there are some elephants that have loger trunk like those pictures above. I have notion that the elephant longer trunk is because of decline or descent of its family, or may be becuse of there is some difference with the elephant.

Elephant Painting

Elephant Painting

Elephant-Painting Exercising to draw and paint.

Elephant-Painting Elephant draws and paints flowers.

Elephant-Painting The real art of Elephant painting.

Elephant is the elephant that have long trunk, and it's trunk is not only for take some food or water, but also can be trained to do something else, like drawing and painting like two picture of elephant painting above. And elephant can also be painted by us like the elephant painting in the last picture above.